Rafinad  affiliate network
affiliate network
by publishers
and bloggers
for publishers and bloggers
A platform that connects advertisers, publishers and bloggers.
Register and start collaborating!
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Adapted for bloggers
We display offers in a convenient format. Connect directly from the list of offers. We send reports on the results weekly to Telegram
Adapted for bloggers
We display offers in a convenient format. Connect directly from the list of offers. We send reports on the results weekly to Telegram
  • High expertise of the team in the financial sector
  • More than 300+ offers connected at favorable rates
  • Detailed statistics on all important financial sections
  • More than 300+ offers connected at favorable rates
  • High expertise of the team in the financial sector
  • Detailed statistics on all important financial sections
How it works
  • Publisher
  • Blogger
Pays for leads
Provide leads
Pays for leads
Pays for leads
Provide leads
  • Platform solution for quick start and simple work
  • Prompt support for all your questions
  • A toolkit that covers your tasks
Start cooperation
with Rafinad